Productivity coach, career planner, journal & notebook in one handy, daily companion.
The product of thousands of hours of research and best-practice study. A notebook specifically developed to help aspiring and working writers structure their careers and lives just as thoroughly as their stories. Find more hours in the day. Make goals and deadlines less intimidating. Inspire. Stay sane, and always drive your story forward.
The Writer's Wright consists of four sections that provide daily support and make sure you stay on track.
An easy to follow guide encourages you to dream big, but doesn't stop there. It actively helps to break your most outlandish aspirations into obtainable steps. Make your goals less intimidating and more likely to be reached. With the Writer's Wright in your corner, you'll formulate an inspiring long-term career vision and even more focused quarter-year plan. This will set you up for a focused 90-day productivity sprint, sure to get you where you'd like to be.
Doubling as undated (as in start any time) quarter calendar, the Writer's Wright is your place to outline 90 productive days in broad strokes. And for those who scoff at planning anything not on their phone... Did you know that neuroscience suggests that handwritten goals are significantly more likely to be reached?

Daily journal entries that provide support, inspiration and accountability along the way. And because a writer’s life can turn crazy at a moment’s notice, the Writer’s Wright was also specifically designed to incorporate mindfulness, intentionality and self-compassion to keep you sane and the stress at bay. Oh, and have we mentioned the weekly development meeting? Yes, the Writer's Wright even covers that...

Finally, say goodbye to carrying more than one notebook, losing scribbles and genius ideas. In addition to being a productivity coach, planner and daily journal, the Writer's Wright also comes with 200 blank pages that are just waiting for your thoughts and doodles. We’ve even incorporated a way to cross reference your notes with specific days, so you can keep your thoughts organized.